Slovak Design Center
The Slovak Design Center in Bratislava established the Slovak Design Museum as part of it on December 31, 2013, but efforts to build collections and research activities of SCD and its collaborators go deeper into the past. The museum follows the tradition of the first attempts to establish an art-industrial museum in Bratislava at the turn of the 20s and 30s of the 20th century.
Since August 18, 2014, the Slovak Design Museum has been registered in the Register of Museums and Galleries of the Slovak Republic. The Slovak Design Museum specializes in the collection, presentation and research of all forms of design (graphic design with a focus on all its types – typography and typeface creation, information and promotional design, packaging design; industrial design with a comprehensive focus on the design of furniture and interior accessories, devices , machines, means of transport, clothing and textile design; multimedia design) and selected areas of applied art, architecture and related disciplines, including intersections with free creative creation (applied art – ceramics, glass), architectural design (interior design, building design, exhibition design, design of architectural elements), multimedia design (digital games, demoscene, video mapping, installations, etc.), photography, free art and new media related to the main holdings of the museum.
Since the beginning of the museum’s existence, a team of collaborators has been trying to ensure all tasks that the museum has to fulfill according to international standards, in order to be included among the relevant partners of similarly oriented museums in the world and representative institutions in the domestic environment. In addition to the basic collection-making, research and publication activities aimed at the preservation and protection of cultural heritage and the creation of cultural identity, these are also the tasks of presenting the collections to the current audience and educating all types of public.
head of department, curator and custodian of collections Mgr. Silvia KRUŽLIAKOVÁ
phone: +421 918 991 237, e-mail: silvia.kruzliakova@scd.sk
curator and custodian of the Communication Design collection, administrator of depositories Mgr. Gabriela ONDRISAKOVÁ, phone: +421 905 671 284, e-mail: gabriela.ondrisakova@scd.sk
external curator of the collection Product design – glass Mgr. Júlia DEÁKOVÁ, founder of the collection Product design – glass Mgr. Adriena PEKÁROVÁ
external curator of the collection Product design – ceramics and porcelain Mgr. art. Simona JANIŠOVÁ, ArtD.
external curator of the collection Product design – furniture Mgr. Katarína HUBOVÁ
external curator of the Fashion and Textile collection Mgr. art. Mária ŠTVRTECKÁ, founder of the Fashion and Textile collection Mgr. Zuzana ŠIDLÍKOVÁ, PhD.
external curator of the Multimedia collection Mgr. art. Maroš BROJO
external worker for research of works in public space Mgr. Sabina JANKOVIČOVÁ, ArtD.
Partners of the Podkrovie SMD gallery: Goethe Institute Bratislava, J&T Banka, OMS, PromoLand, SFU, Tatramat, Zlatý Bažant, Antalis
Main media partner: Designum
Media partners: Denník N, inSpire, Rádio_FM, Veterán

ARMY coat from the /si:/ collection

Šikmo (Skew) chair
