
The library of the Slovak Design Center was founded in 1991, but we are constantly filling its funds with the most up-to-date publications. It provides space not only for borrowing profile publications focused on design, but also for studying in the library’s study room. You only need to register, pay a one-time registration fee and you can fully use the services of a specialized library focused on the field of design and relevant disciplines (art history, craft and architecture). The library is sought after by the professional public and is known for its quality and range of publications from theoretical to popularization.

Come see for yourself!

Registration fee:
secondary school students, university students, internal doctoral students €2
employees, external students, doctoral students €4
pensioners – free of charge

Dagmar Hudecová
+421 2 204 77 313
+421 918 110 251


Jakubovo námestie 12, 814 99 Bratislava (3. poschodie)

Opening hours

Pondelok 11:00 - 19:00, utorok 09:00 - 17:00 (prestáva 13:30 - 14:00), streda - študovňa bude zatvorená, ak potrebujete rešerš, vypožičanie alebo vrátenie kníh, stačí nám napísať na a dohodneme sa. (Dostupnosť: 9:00 – 12:45)

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