Michal Staško


Študoval na Strednej umeleckopriemyselnej škole v Bratislave, odbor rezbárstvo a tvarovanie dreva. V umeleckom štúdiu pokračoval na Vysokej škole výtvarných umení v Bratislave, ateliér dizajnu. Jednoročný pobyt absolvoval v ateliéri architektúry a dizajnu na Vysokej škole umeleckopriemyselnej v Prahe. Venuje sa oblastiam produktového, priemyselného designu, návrhom interiérov a obalovému dizajnu. Je držiteľom ocenení, DESIGN 95 – cena za dizajn v Slovenskej republike 1995, RedDot Design Award winner 2013. Laureát Krištáľového krídla za rok 2013, Národnej ceny za produktový dizajn 2015, German Design Award Nominee 2015. Je členom architektonického ateliéru a11 a členom Slovenskej asociácie interiérových dizajnérov. Vo voľnom čase sa venuje popularizácii dizajnu medzi mladou generáciou.

Michal studied at the High School of Applied Arts in Bratislava, Department of Wood Carving and Wood Shaping. He continued his studies at the Design Studio of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. He participated in a year-long internship at the Architecture and Design Studio at the Academy of Arts, Architecture, and Design in Prague. He is active in the areas of product and interior design, interior design, and packaging design. He received several awards: DESIGN 95 – Slovak Design Award1995, RedDot Design Awards 2013, is the laureate of the Krištáľové krídlo 2013 award, won the Slovak Design Award for Product Design 2015, and is a German Design Award Nominee for 2015. He is a member of the a11 architecture studio and the Slovak Association of Interior Designers. In his free time, he is active in promoting design to the young generation.

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