Slovak Design Award 2022
The Slovak Design Award, an award announced by the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic and the Slovak Design Center, is returning after successful year in the field of product design and will re-award the best Slovak communication design after two years. The current 19th year will bring several changes, both visually, but the changes will also occur in the application itself. After a few years, a one-off competition fee of 50 EUR was reintroduced. Exceptions are student works, the registration for them is free of charge.
11 competition categories offer a wide range of entries, from a single product to complex communication systems that have been put into practice. In addition to originality, innovation, technical and technological sophistication, an important criterion for evaluating works is their social and environmental function, supporting the idea of sustainability.
You can submit your work in the following examples – Campaign, Identity, Books and Publications, Digital, Animation and Video, Space, Font, Cover and Object, Poster and Visual, New Horizons, Student Design. You can find their detailed specifications in the Competition Conditions.
Implementation team
NCD Coordinator: Zuzana Böhmerová
Director of SCD, professional cooperation: Maroš Schmidt
Curator: Ondrej Gavalda
Production of exhibitions and programs for the public: Gabika Rybáriková
Head of SMD, professional cooperation: Silvia Kružliaková
PR, media contact: Barbora Káňová
Graphic design: Martin Bajaník
Architectural design and realization of the exhibition: Peter Liška
Gala evening production: Katarína Kubalová
Contact person for registration: Zuzana Böhmerová / +421 918 110 248 / zuzana.bohmerova@scd.sk
Announcers of the competition: Ministerstvo kultúry SR, Slovenské centrum dizajnu
General advertising partner of SCD: J&T Banka
SCD main partner: Antalis
SCD’s main advertising partner: Designum
NCD’s main partners: Divadlo Nová scéna, Yeme
NCD Media Partners
Bratislavské kultúrne a informačné stredisko
Czech Design
Čerstvé ovocie
Denník N
Flash Art
Rádio Devín
Rádio FM
Slovak Fashion Council
01. 04. 2022: Registrácia online prihlášok a dokumentácie
23. 05. - 05. 06. 2022: 1. kolo hodnotenia prác porotou
23. 06. - 27. 06. 2022: 2. kolo hodnotenia prác porotou
07. 07. - 08. 07. 2022: Vyhodnotenie súťaže, zasadnutie poroty
05. 10. - 11. 12. 2022: Výstava NCD22