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The Festival of the New European Bauhaus also directly in Bratislava

The Festival of the New European Bauhaus will take place from 9th to 12th June with the main programme in Brussels and a wide range of side events across Europe and beyond. The Festival aims on drawing attention on European Green Deal and brings together citizens from all walks of life to debate and shape our future landscape. Even if you are staying at home, you can choose from various online events for different audiences, just follow the website of the festival.

Slovak Design Center, as a partner of the New European Bauhaus, joined to the programme of this outstanding event with its exhibition Materialists, running in SATELIT Design Gallery in Bratislava, as one of the aims of this exhibition is to focus on the potential of materials for production of more sustainable and circular design, which would be able to cope with challenges related to climate change.

Herewith, a special accompanying event will take place – presentation of well established Austrian design studio EOOS and its social enterprise named EOOS NEXT. Founded in 2020, EOOS NEXT works in the fields of mobility, sanitation technology and hygiene. The projects are primarily designed for low-income people in the Global South and are supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, among others.

Presentation will take place on 10th June at 17:00 in the SATELIT Design Gallery.
The entry is free.