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This is a publication about the five aspects of educational process of studying graphic design in Europe and it takes place in a garage, okay?
This is a publication about the five aspects of educational process of studying graphic design in Europe and it takes place in a garage, okay?
This is a publication about the five aspects of educational process of studying graphic design in Europe and it takes place in a garage, okay?
This is a publication about the five aspects of educational process of studying graphic design in Europe and it takes place in a garage, okay?
This is a publication about the five aspects of educational process of studying graphic design in Europe and it takes place in a garage, okay?
This is a publication about the five aspects of educational process of studying graphic design in Europe and it takes place in a garage, okay?
This is a publication about the five aspects of educational process of studying graphic design in Europe and it takes place in a garage, okay?
This is a publication about the five aspects of educational process of studying graphic design in Europe and it takes place in a garage, okay?
This is a publication about the five aspects of educational process of studying graphic design in Europe and it takes place in a garage, okay?
This is a publication about the five aspects of educational process of studying graphic design in Europe and it takes place in a garage, okay?
This is a publication about the five aspects of educational process of studying graphic design in Europe and it takes place in a garage, okay?
This is a publication about the five aspects of educational process of studying graphic design in Europe and it takes place in a garage, okay?
This is a publication about the five aspects of educational process of studying graphic design in Europe and it takes place in a garage, okay?
This is a publication about the five aspects of educational process of studying graphic design in Europe and it takes place in a garage, okay?
This is a publication about the five aspects of educational process of studying graphic design in Europe and it takes place in a garage, okay?
This is a publication about the five aspects of educational process of studying graphic design in Europe and it takes place in a garage, okay?
This is a publication about the five aspects of educational process of studying graphic design in Europe and it takes place in a garage, okay?
This is a publication about the five aspects of educational process of studying graphic design in Europe and it takes place in a garage, okay?

This is a publication about the five aspects of educational process of studying graphic design in Europe and it takes place in a garage, okay?

Terézia Denková- hlavný autor
Maris Nisu- spoluautor

Tento katalóg je výsledok výstavy grafického dizajnu, ktorá vznikla z vlastnej iniciatívy. Celý proces tvorby katalógu reflektoval limity a frustrácie študenta grafického dizajnu. Medzi tie najpálčivejšie patrí nedostatočný rozpočet, čo vyústilo do použitia typografie vytvorenej študentmi, a fontov, ktoré sú zadarmo a ktoré sa museli následne opravovať – presne a doslovne ako opravovanie vecí v garáži (predmetná výstava sa naozaj konala v garáži). Forma katalógu bola inšpirovaná formátom skicára, preto pôsobí viac ako kolekcia rýchlych nápadov než ako sofistikovaný katalóg výstavy. Voľba materiálu a farby bola založená na aktuálnych zbytkoch z tlačiarne, čo ako princíp poslúžilo aj pri plagáte výstavy a dizajne výstavného priestoru.

NCD ročník:
Národná cena za komunikačný dizajn 2020
NCD kategória:
Profesionálny dizajn

Súvisiace diela

Kniha Iba Fišer!

Terézia Denková

Meanwhile City

Terézia Denková
Dominik Fodora
Matej Mihályi
Martin Jenča

Typogaráž 2022, 2023

Terézia Denková
Maris Nisu
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