Salticidae Icius – A Research on Independent Art Spaces and Initiatives
The book Salticidae Icius––named after jumping spiders––considers how the similarly large and pervasive family of independent art spaces and initiatives operates through a variety of angles and approaches. The book consists of a meandering text by editor Diewertje Hehewerth, a writer and artist based in Amsterdam, which follows her travels to (Amsterdam), Berlin, London, Madrid, Paris and Rome, and contributions from spaces and initiatives who she came into contact with throughout her research.
Grafické štúdio:
Studio Zuzana Kostelanska
NCD ročník:
Národná cena za komunikačný dizajn 2020
NCD kategória:
Profesionálny dizajn
Súvisiace diela
Simona Hojsíková
Robert Finkei
Zuzana Kostelanská
Lukáš Kollár
Aurélia Garová
Michal Chrastina
Valiz Catalogues
Zuzana Kostelanská
Can This Be Something Else
Zuzana Kostelanská