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NCD23 – Frequently Asked Questions

We are a Slovak design studio, however, the work we want to submit was created for an Austrian client. Can we submit this work for NCD 2023?

You can submit the work if it meets the requirement of being designed or created by a Slovak designer, and was created or implemented in practice in the period between 1 January 2021 to 15 May 2023.

We are a Czech company and our design concept was created by a Slovak communication designer. Can we submit this work?

Yes, you definitely can. You meet the criteria of cooperating with a Slovak designer.

I am a designer and have created a design concept for a client, which was delivered in December 2022, however, the product itself was launched in March 2023. Can I submit this work?

Yes, you can. It meets the criteria of being created or launched within the period from 1 January 2021 to 15 May 2023.

I am a Slovak student and I want to submit a work created during my internship in France. Can I submit it to the competition?

Of course, you can submit the piece. You meet the eligible applicant criteria: you are a student from Slovakia.

I am a student of a secondary art school/high school. Can I apply for the competition?

Regretfully, no. The competition is open to university students only.

What will happen if I submit my work in the wrong category?

If you are unsure how to categorise your work, choose the category whose description best reflects the substance of your work. If a particular work does not fall within the criteria of the category it was submitted under, the organiser has the right to move it into a different category. The organiser may also split the work into several categories if the individual parts of the work meet the criteria for more categories. These changes can only occur with the applicant’s consent, who will be informed of moving/splitting the work to a different category by the organiser in advance. If the applicant does not agree with the suggested changes, meaning the work would be categorised incorrectly, such work/application won’t progress further in the competition.

I have graduated university last year and I want to submit my master’s project. Can I submit it in the student category?

Yes, if the work was created at a university which teaches design, and simultaneously was created under supervision of a teacher, it can be submitted under the student category.

May I submit one work in several categories?

No, that is not possible. You may submit one work in one category only, however, you may submit multiple works in one category. You may also submit multiple works in multiple categories. The amount of submitted works is not limited.

How will I present the submitted work?

It is necessary to attach visual documentation in the form of images, catalogues, or a link to the submitted work on the internet. The visual documentation attached should depict the submitted work as faithfully as possible. Simultaneously, provide a description of your work in the application form using annotations.

What format should I use to attach images to the form?

In the first round of the evaluation, the jury will only see the works in pictures. Please pay attention to the quality of the photographs and submitted materials that present your submission as faithfully as possible. Images and documents may be submitted as JPEG, PNG, TIF, and PDF, videos as MOV, AVI, WMV, MPG, MPEG, and MPEG-4.

How much will I pay for applying for the competition?

The competition fee is a one-time payment in the amount of EUR 50 (professional designers/clients). Upon payment, you may submit an unlimited number of works. Students in the Student Design category are exempt from paying the fee. The fee must be paid to the following account IBAN: SK50 8180 0000 0070 0007 0238VS: 2022110 with the applicants name entered in the note as it appears on the application form no later than three working days upon the registration. Upon receiving the payment, an invoice will be created and sent to the e-mail address specified in the online application form.

What are the evaluation criteria?

The evaluation criteria comprise mainly:

– authenticity, originality, and a high level of innovation,

– technical and technological sophistication,

– harmony of aesthetic, functional, material, and ergonomic realisation,

– ethical, social, and ecological aspects,

– communicational, protective, and financial/cost related aspects,

– comprehensibility and recognizability, and

– professional quality of workmanship.

Are the areas stated in the Terms and Conditions of the Competition strictly stipulated and will the jury grant awards only in those categories?

Designers and institutions submit works in the categories stated in the Terms and Conditions of the Competition, however, the jury may award further special mentions (e.g. Award for Innovative Approach, Award for Ecology, etc.).

When will I find out whether my work was selected or not selected for the exhibition?

We will inform applicants immediately after the jury meeting, which, this year, will be held on 4 July – 5 July 2023 in SCD premises. We will distribute the information to e-mail addresses submitted by the applicants in the application form. Applicants whose work is not selected for the exhibition, will be asked to collect their works.

If my work gets selected for the competition, where will it be stored between the jury meeting and the exhibition?

Works selected for the exhibition will be stored on the SCD premises in a locked space, and they will be insured for the duration of the exhibition.

When will I find out whether I won an award?

The results will be announced on the day of the award ceremony or the award stream, if applicable.